Sunday, September 21, 2014

Spain, Day 1

This story has a moral, children, and I will tell it at the beginning.  While it is all right to have a glass of wine and then take one’s antidepressant medication, doing so on an airplane can have significant unpleasant results.  Like all good morals, I had to work this one out for myself from experience and aftermath.  I spent much of the flight from SFO to Heathrow lying on the cabin floor due to having thrown up in my sleep.  I can’t take me anywhere.

However, I now feel entirely better and morally superior from the lesson.  Even better, we have arrived in Spain.  The airport in Madrid looks swoopy:

Signs, of course, fascinate me.  I sincerely hope that the arrows on this sign point to two different places that happen to lie in the same direction:

I also like the idea of soliciting a train:

I did not take any photos of the long drive from Madrid to Olmedo, but the landscape looks much like home, golden hills, scattered trees, encircling mountains.  Tomorrow Brent and I will investigate more.


Blogger Gary Brower said...

Love the "juxtaposition photo!" I may have to blog on that myself . . .. and you know I love a challenge! Enjoy your trip!

September 21, 2014 at 7:01 PM  

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