Friday, October 06, 2017

A Partial Book Report

I am working my way through the stack of books I promised myself I would read this year (as opposed to all the other books I have read along the way).  (That's the picture, the entire stack.) Naturally, I got through the easy ones first.  The time came this week to start tackling The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

I made it to page 112 of 615.

Here’s the summary:  a lot of people died for no good reason under brutal conditions.

I cheated and looked up what happens in the rest of the book.  Spoiler:  more of the same.

Some things I have to learn over and over.  One of them is that it is okay to stop reading a book.  I do not think that another 500 pages of death and torture will enrich my life.  I do not need to be convinced that humans are capable of atrocity on a systemic level.  I get the point.

So on to the next book.