Thursday, September 24, 2020

Fun and easy to make...

My kid, Syd, is a genius.  He coined a phrase that has become a family saying:  “Messes are fun and easy to make.”  This inspires many crafting explorations.  Today’s expression of this phrase took the form of making potpourri.


I am moving.  This means I am in the process of packing.  Some items are easier to pack than others.  One of the others happened to be a bouquet from Brent’s and my wedding, carried by our dear friend Elizabeth.  It was the same as my bouquet, but I tossed mine according to tradition, so she gave me hers and I kept it, dried, on the top of one of my bookcases.  But flowers that have been drying for 13 years are brittle.  What to do?


Internet to the rescue!  It turns out that making potpourri is not hard and I had everything I needed already.  Win!


Here is the bouquet, before.

Here is a bouquet of dried lavender that my sweet friend Jackie gave me.


Here is the jar of potpourri making and the lavender essential oil I happened to have on hand for keeping the studio smelling nice.


Here is the mess I made removing the petals and flowers from the stems.


And here is the resulting jar of potpourri, which now has to sit for a couple of weeks.  Much easier to pack and full of lovely memories.


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