Friday, June 23, 2023

June 2023 Flash Lit 8 - Time to Time

“No, no! The adventures first,” said the Gryphon in an impatient tone: “explanations take such a dreadful time.” Alice in Wonderland, Chapter 10




“Hurry up, Char,” Griff complained.  “This is the boring part.”


Char flicked her long blonde braid over her shoulder and leaned in closer to the spinning gears on the wall.  “I’m cogitating,” she said.  “Get it?  I’m thinking about cogs!”


Griff gave his customary groan.


Char darted a bright blue glance at him, “Well, that was a mechanical response.”


“I’m not going to encourage you anymore,” he said huffily, turning his broad-shouldered back to her.


Char stroked the ridge of his shoulder blade where it winged out through his t-shirt.  “I’ll behave,” she promised.  “Mostly.  I’m just interested in how it all works.”


His gray eyes, close set around his sharp nose, narrowed.  “It doesn’t matter how it works.  The exciting bit is that it works.  I can show you if you’ll just keep moving.”


The wheels and pulleys and levers and wires in the tunnel gave way to a long hallway with polished black and white marble tiles on the floor and a row of red doors on either side.  Char counted a couple hundred tiles, saw many more stretching away from her, and wondered if the hallway was infinite.  “It’s a good thing we have plenty of time,” she joked.


Here we do, but at home time is passing,” Griff said, walking swiftly, his hard-soled boots clattering on the floor.


Char’s soft shoes didn’t make any sound as she followed.


“This one!” Griff cried.  He stopped so suddenly that Char nearly crashed into him.


“How do you know?” she asked.


“I just do.”  He turned the bright brass knob.  “You might want to hold my other hand.”


Char was tempted to snort.  But then, he had promised adventure, so maybe it would be wiser just to hang on.


The door opened outward, which was a good thing, because immediately on the other side of it was a hillocky meadow tufted with wild oats and poppies and a purple sort of wildflower that Char didn’t know the name of.  A breeze ruffled Griff’s hair and made the wisps that had escaped from Char’s braid dance.  Griff breathed in, deeply.  “Smell it!” he said.


Char, obediently, sniffed the wind.  “Oh!”  That was all she could manage as the scents triggered image after image.  She smelled grass and flowers, of course, but also the sun on warm earth, the possibility of rain later, and… and… “Toast!”


“It’s here!” Griff said, pulling her along until they came to a long table set under a spreading tree.  “It’s all here!”


“A very merry unbirthday to you!” Char said, plopping into one of the many chairs around the table.  It was just like she remembered, that time when they were seven.


Griff picked up a pocketwatch from the table and said, “It’s tea time.”


“You were right,” Char said.  “It doesn’t matter how it works.  I’m happy.”



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