Year of Radical Self Care: February
The Year of Radical Self-Care is going really well so far. In January, I nailed my goals. My body feels better and stronger. My brain is full of random anatomical factoids and has been focusing on reading. So what to do for February?
I’m keeping the body goals the same as last month. The rule remains no added sugar. I have a body challenge and a body soothe thing for every day this month. I tweaked the lists of what counts in each category very slightly, but only very slightly.
The second area on which I am going to focus is my writing. The rule is that I don’t get to read until my writing is done for the day. In my writing group, February is a flash lit month: we get three days to write up to 500 words to a prompt. My challenge goal is to write 200 words a day on a flash lit prompt or some other project. My soothe goal is to write a story for Alameda shorts based on the prompt that is dropping tomorrow. That story will need to be 1000 words when I’m done with it. I’ve never spent the whole month writing one before, so we’ll see if the luxury of time is a good thing or a bad thing for my writing process.
As I suspected when I started this year, each thing I focus on is connected to all sorts of other things. Making specific good choices in my two areas in January bled over into good choices in other areas of my life. I think I’m plugging into synergy (yeah, I know it’s a jargon-y, overused word, but I don’t have a better one right now.). I like where this is going. Also: more naps are better!
Labels: Thoughts