Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 2024 Flash Lit 5.1 - Passionfruit

So spill,” Marnie said.  “What’s it like to date a fancy chef?”

Vi sighed inwardly.  “Last night he grilled steaks and asparagus and made pineapple-passionfruit sorbet,” she said, pandering to Marnie’s desires.


Oooh!” Marnie moaned.  “That’s amazing!”


“Yes, it was,” Vi agreed.  Curt had used every single thing in her kitchen, had dribbled marinade into likely and unlikely places, and lectured her on the right kind of sugar to buy.  She came to bed with pruned fingers, smelling like lavender cleanser and charred meat.  Very sexy.


it didn’t matter what she smelled like because Curt was already asleep by the time she’d finished cleaning up.  “Big day tomorrow,” he’d said over dinner.  “Rolling out the summer menu.”


In the middle of the night, Vi snuck out of bed and ate the rest of the sorbet over the sink as she stared out the window at the moon.



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