Friday, October 10, 2014


What is wrong with the idea of a Terrible Mood Party?  I just threatened to throw one with T.R. because both of our days do not seem to be starting out particularly well.  Syd objected strenuously to the idea, saying that it would just make him in a bad mood, too.  (Brent has already left the building, making him exempt from the discussion; he is driving, so he may well be with us in spirit.)  I suggested that we could wear funny hats.

I think it might help.  Although, come to think of it, T. wears a funny hat most days, so the effect might not be as striking.  But we could play music for bad moods.  Angry Pink?  Really loud ACDC?  Matchbox 20?  Matchbox 20 would have to be for the wallowing in sadness portion of the party.  I’d want to get that part over with.

I’d serve chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, popcorn, macaroni and cheese, chocolate, and alcohol.

There could be a tantrum contest, competitive door-slamming, and a passive-aggressive response award.  I could give empty milk cartons, toilet paper tubes, and dirty socks as prizes.

I feel better already.

(This is an old photo, but it does show Syd and T. in funny hats...)


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