Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 2024 Flash Lit 6.3 - Pear

I didn’t know any better, really.  It’s not like anybody warns you or tells you pears are different from other fruit.

I just said, when Cynthia offered me some of the pear puffed pancake at brunch, that I didn’t like pears.  I mean, they have this texture that’s not quite mushy and not quite grainy.  They taste like, well, like nothing much.  Given a choice, I’m not eating them.


Cynthia turned to Jason and offered him some.  It was no big deal.  She didn’t seem mad or anything.  But the conversation shifted around me.  We’d been talking about stand-up paddle boarding and Jason had been telling me about the inflatable one he’d doubt.  I had more questions, but he didn’t hear me, his attention focused on what Brian was saying about his upcoming trip to Peru.


Then I tried to reach for the plate of bacon.  Not a rude, way-across-the-table reach.  The plate was just in front of me.  I couldn’t see or feel my body.


Moral:  Don’t dis a pear.



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