Friday, May 31, 2024

May 2024 Reading

Since I am not going to finish any of the books I am currently reading today, it’s time to do the May report.  I read or listened to 8 books this month, all of them fiction.

Audio first:  As I have mentioned over and over, I have weird requirements for audiobooks.  I have to have read the book before.  It can’t be too stressful, and what is stressful is hard to predict.  And it has to be available from the library because I don’t need to pay money for audiobooks.  So this month, via Hoopla (which is awesome, by the way), I listened to three Louise Penny mysteries, Still Life, A Fatal Grace, and The Cruelest Month.  If pressed, I would describe the subgenre as cozy thriller, which is a challenge.  The village and people of Three Pines are welcoming.  The books are full of great food and funny moments.  And people die and sometimes at the end people we love are in dire peril.  I am happy that there are many more available to listen to!


I continue to work my way through all of the amazing Gail Carriger’s books.  [Note: I know her in person, and she is lovely!]  This month, I read Romancing the Werewolf, a spicy novella about characters from other works of Gail’s.  It was a fun romp in every sense.  Highly recommend.


My birthday in April and Mother’s Day in May resulted, happily, in more Terry Pratchett.  I read Interesting TimesThe Fifth Elephant, and Sourcery.  All are hilarious and fun, full of Pratchetty chaos.  Of the three, I liked Interesting Times least because the portrayal of the people of the Counterweight Continent seemed to depend on racial stereotypes imported into the Discworld from ours.  I have also concluded, again, that Vimes is my favorite of all Pratchett’s characters.  It will be a sad day when I finally run out of new Pratchett to read.  Although I guess that means I get to re-read and listen!


May total:  8

Spring total:  52

Year to date total:  52

On to Summer Reading.



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