Monday, January 26, 2015

30 Days of Happiness: Tell me a story...

Some of the stories I tell myself during the day don’t even happen.  I’m working on getting permits from my city for my studio.  My phone rang and Henry from the city was on the other end wanting to talk about my application.  In the split second between hearing that much and hearing what came next, I told an entire tale of disaster that went something like this:

Oh no.  Rejected already.  It’s probably because I screwed up something on the application.  Or maybe the neighbors are upset.  Or really it is just that I totally suck and now I’ve spent all this money on the process only to fail.  I should just go put my head under a rock and not come out.  What was I even thinking trying to do this?

Then he said, “I see you used the old application form.  Everything looks fine, but the fees went up.  You will need to pay an additional $3.19.  How would you like to handle it?”

I said I’d head down to the office and hand over the rest of the money.  T.R., who had a day off from school today, walked with me and we had a great time talking about the underlying philosophical questions in children’s toys and trying to decide what kind of buddy movie we’d like to see Vin Diesel and The Rock make together  (except that they’d need to be heroes somehow, I can totally see them as Jasper and Horace in 101 Dalmatians.).

Other incredibly friendly people helped me out when I got to the permit center.  Nothing bad happened.  Nothing.  I made a mistake and the world did not end.  I got to fix it with no fuss or mess.

Go figure.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love how our minds anticipate the worst even when nothing is awry. Great for avoiding lions but not as useful in the modern world. Great awareness of your own story.

January 27, 2015 at 9:41 AM  

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