Thursday, January 22, 2015

30 Days

I signed up for a 30-dayhappiness challenge.  I’ll be posting about it for the next 30 days, both because sharing what I’m doing is part of the challenge and because I expect to learn things.  If you are fascinated, you, too, can do it. 

Today’s exercise is to set an intention/goal for the 30 days and to reflect on why or why not the goal is achievable.  My intention (goals smack too much of success/failure for my own wellbeing) is to acquire some useful tools.  I am a depressive.  I take my medications and do my workouts and I have my other favorite coping techniques, but I can still get walloped by the Depression Monster.  If I can increase the happiness in my life, I am more likely to keep the monster away.

I think this is doable.  I have dabbled in some of the areas of focus for the challenge, but will benefit from having a structure (must be Good Student!  Must always do all the homework!—sometimes my compulsions work to my advantage!).  Given the other stuff going on in my life right now, I may be biting off more than I can chew, but it is better to try, right?


Anonymous Toku said...

This is a great intention Jan. Depression can be tricky and you are a brave soul just for being open about where you are at and wanting to change it.

Thanks so much for writing this post I look forward to reading more of your posts for the next 30 days.

January 22, 2015 at 8:21 AM  

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