Friday, June 08, 2018

Summer Road Trip, Day 8: Heads and Critters

The Getty Museum has fabulous things.  T.R. pretended to be one of them:

We checked out exhibits on medieval visions of paradise in Europe and India, the influence of India on Rembrandt’s work, the intersection of Egyptian and Greco-Roman culture, fabulous French furniture (although we got lost in there and I began to feel nervous that someone was going to come along, tell me to hold up a clock, gild me, and leave me there forever), amazing photographs, and much more.  In fact, it was somewhat overwhelming, but all very, very wonderful.  The museum campus itself is gorgeous and when Brent had had enough of any particular gallery, he found lovely places to sit outside and enjoy the views.

There are many ways to categorize the zillion photos I took, but here are two samples.  First, heads from various periods, including a severed version of John the Baptist!

Second, critters:  hedgehog, monkey, hippo, dog, and bear.

I bought many postcards and two picture books.


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